Grant Writing Services

From grant research to grant writing services, we translate your funding needs into grant strategies that work and proposals that win.


  • Funding Needs Review

    We complete a comprehensive review of your funding needs, taking care to identify the costs you want covered and the organizational values that will make you a standout to funders. Beginning with a clear understanding of your mission, project plans, research needs, and funding request helps us find the opportunities that will best align with your short- and long-term goals.

  • Grant Research & Recommendations

    We conduct exhaustive research to locate the grant opportunities that align with your funding requests, including foundation grants, federal, state, and local grants, and business grants. Once we’ve found the opportunities, we help you prioritize the best grants to pursue.Request grant research.

  • Grant Strategy Workshop

    We take you through the grant writing process, from contacting funders and project planning to writing proposals that get the attention of grants managers. With a clear understanding of your organization’s needs, we can empower you to strategize for grant writing success.

  • Grant Writing

    我们和你合作开发有说服力的应用cation materials, from brief letters of intent to comprehensive federal grants. Once you’ve developed the project, we’ll work with you to research it, write it, and and pitch it to grants managers in a way that earns their trust and gets you funded.


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