Write White Paper

How to Write a White Paper

帮助通知政策决策。建立你作为思想领袖的声誉。出售产品。这些只是一些原因write a white paper。一旦报告和营销工具,白皮书是一种信息,也可能(但并不总是)说服读者进入新的概念或产品。在这篇博客中,我们将澄清一份白皮书是什么,它包括什么,并提供写作和设计这一常用的策略,但通常是误解的作品。

Unlike more direct marketing materials, such as brochures and product descriptions, white papers persuade readers through well-researched facts about the existing solutions to a problem. By offering better alternatives, white papers can nudge readers to agree that the new product or process is the best option out there. White papers are research-based and informative first, and a persuasive marketing tool second. Just think of them as academic research papers for the business sector.

We have a lot of advice to share in this blog, but if you’re ready to start the writing process, definitely check out our expert-craftedwhite paper template pack- 我们的独家项目Templates for Busy Professionals™系列。


现在你更了解更多信息什么白皮书是, you probably want some guidance on how to write one.

What sections are typically included in a white paper?



Executive Summary





Including a background section in your white paper is optional, depending on how much you have already covered. At this point, you might have already provided enough information to move on. However, if you feel the need to position your innovation further or provide more information on the change, the need, or the topic, this is your chance.


The problem section of your white paper should directly address the challenges that your readers are facing and allows you to reflect your keen understanding of the pain points or issues your innovation resolves. Your discussion of the problem should be detailed and thorough in order to ensure your readers are on the same page with you before you launch into a solution. This discussion also positions you as an authority in this field who understands exactly how and why your innovation is needed now. Keep in mind that, sometimes, it’s not necessary to explicitly describe the problem within its own “Problem” section. If your Opener or Background section already maps out the challenges and desires that make your solution necessary, then move straight into your solution.


This is the heart of your white paper and is your chance at displaying your passion for your innovation and its benefits in the industry. Make sure you cover what your innovation actually is, why and how it addresses the problem, and who it is intended for. Consider ways to emphasize your innovation’s benefits, including user testimonials, addressing previous approaches, case studies, or ideas for implementation.


This is a brief description of your company and your chance to advertise. However, you are not necessarily making a sales pitch, you are telling your readers about your company and its services, but also ensuring that there is a clear connection between who you are and your innovation.

Call to Action

What do you want readers to do after reading your white paper? Take this opportunity to guide them – send them to your website or share contact information. Hopefully by now they want to adopt your innovation, so make it easy for them to do.



#writingproTip:当您编写论文时,避免为这些部分的通用标题 - 获得创意!


内容只是一个部分;注意设计是创建有吸引力和信息性白皮书的另一个关键方面。谈到读者参与时,白皮书的视觉设计可以使所有的差异。通过磨练设计,我们确保我们的信息以明确,可消化的方式呈现。这是在设计白皮书时要记住的事情:读者不一定以简单,自上而下的方式读取文档。阅读涉及快速扫描和浏览,而不是阅读,以便阅读细节或深刻的理解。这意味着该页面上的信息组织在确定读者选择读取以及它们在该读取中施加多少焦点时扮演关键作用。确保您的白皮书吸引忙碌的读者(例如。,C-Suite executives), display information according to the “Three Layers of Reading,” where in each layer, the reader goes more in depth with your piece.

无论您的白皮书是内部的,外部还是两者,您的读者都会有不同的背景,经验和学习方式。要达到他们所在的地方,考虑应用模当分析(阅读我们的“阅读你的观众的想法”series) to reach your primary and secondary audiences. Remember that your goal is to persuade your readers to accept a new position, product, or technology.

在白色空间和图形方面,设计决策归结为白皮书和目标受众的类型。基于研究的白皮书是密集的信息,往往具有更少的图形,因为它们是针对希望在信息中花费大量时间的现场专家的目标。或者,引入新技术的白皮书或提供对高级问题的解决方案通常具有更具视觉设计,并更好地利用空白空间,以便不与不必要的细节挤满他们的读者。Trail-Blazing城市移动公司,Volocoptor, offers this type of highly designed reader experience in theirPioneering the urban air taxi revolutionwhite paper.

It’s clear that if a white paper is supported with careful research, engaging infographics and quotes, and integrates我们建议进行形态分析,读者更有可能与您呈现的想法更有可能上船上,如果您正在为企业写作而成为新的和热情的客户。

Give yourself every advantage when it comes to engaging stakeholders and check out our白皮书模板raybet98!

If you found this blog helpful, make sure you take a look at ourwhite paper template pack。我们的专家作家团队支持澄清复杂的想法并获得利益相关者兴趣的影响力的专业文件。无论您是需要编写营销材料还是白皮书,一定要查看更多newbee赞助雷竞技


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