Today, we are exploring how Trader Joe’s became a rapidly successfulrayapp0 案例研究凭借其肆无忌惮的粉丝 - 真实的影响因素,这些影响者繁华地产生用户生成的内容,这些内容需要几乎没有内容营销所花费的内容。我们的许多客户要求,“为什么是rayapp0 重要的?”我们今天探索了一家良好的杂货店的案例研究揭示了真正,自下而上的病毒内容营销的力量来发展品牌。在我们深入进入内容营销案例的研究之前,让我们回答一个重要的问题:什么是用户生成的内容?
- User-generated content is any type of content (such as blog posts, social media posts, videos, podcast episodes, articles, and downloadables) created by users or consumers of a system, product, or service and distributed publicly for mass consumption.
- 用户生成的内容是积极品牌推广的强大驱动因素,因为人们会听那些他们知道的人,比如和信任。当粉丝创造自己的内容来狂欢狂欢时,影响可能是非常宽阔的。
- 由于其可靠性和病毒含量营销效果,用户生成的内容可以保存数百万美元的传统广告和营销。
- 没有对销售的影响有限,user-generated content can inspire customer engagement as well as employee engagement. Customers want to feel like they can go onto a site, use it for how it’s needed and be able to do it all smoothly.
Trader Joe’s User-Generated Content: A Content Marketing Case Study
自成立以来,Trader Joe已被其顾客视为邻里杂货店。独特的开朗和知识渊博的员工以及典型的杂货店没有找到的各种食物,为不断增长的知识和健康的客户提供独特的购物体验。虽然像沃尔玛和克洛特这样的大型组织以各种方式努力创造类似的经验(例如,较小的商店,有机食品部分,国际食物部分等),复制制作交易乔的大规模邪教的经验挑战。今天,我们将探讨众包和品牌的内容营销如何促成自2013年以来贸易乔的大规模崛起。
Trader Joe’s is a fascinating case study for content marketing because they do not use marketing campaigns traditional to the food and grocery sector (e.g., frequent shoppers cards, coupons, billboard ads, social media campaigns, etc.) to attract their customers. Their selection is much more limited than other grocers’, and their advertising spend is extraordinarily minimal. Instead of traditional approaches to customer growth, Trader Joe’s started building their fanbase through weekly, cheeky “fearless flyer” ads that feature their favorite recipes linked to products available at the store that week. Fearless flyers follow a straight-forward content “recipe” (forgive the pun), embedding product advertising within the highly utilitarian and practical format of cooking and baking recipes. The model of efficiency and suave evident in TJ’s limited marketing allows them to focus resources on maximizing their assets–two critical assets in particular: people and food. By building intimate, friendly experiences for customers and employees, and limiting their stock to high-quality products that don’t force the consumer into a state of overwhelmed decision-making, Trader Joe’s has cultivated a loyal base of fans who rave about the brand.
As a result, Trader Joe’s cult-like following of fans generate a significant amount of contentfor公司。例如,一个Twitter用户描述了她购物清单上的“美味,健康的交易者乔的物品”,以上超过39,000名粉丝。快速搜索YouTube上的“Trader Joe's Haul”,您可以花几个小时观看大规模的影响力(有些有500k +粉丝)漫步您的一周的杂货搜索:
令人惊讶的是,Trader Joe的贸易商没有官方社交媒体账户,依赖于影响者吹嘘,分享和发布他们的食谱,杂货店,以及评论。这样的用户生成的内容使TJ能够利用Frederick F. Reichheld呼叫的力量“你需要成长的一个号码”: the Net-Promoter Score. In his widely popular关于这个主题的文章–the one reprinted inHBR的10必须遵循战略营销-Reichheld argues that “in most industries, there is a strong correlation between a company’s growth rate and the percentage of its customers who are ‘promoters’–that is, those who say they are extremely likely to recommend the company to a friend or colleague” (162). Public engagement drives promotion, which enables an organization to commit its resources to internal process improvement rather than external advertising. Content marketing, then, is in the hands of the consumers who believe in the brand and feel a genuine desire to promote it.
当组织从用户获得真正的促销时,他们可以更快地迅速实现增值税。贸易商乔对用户生成的内容的依赖支持他们对精益流程改进的承诺,这是一种最初作为丰田生产系统所知的系统工程方法,并专注于减少废物增加增值税。每年来自世界各地的众多公司,医院和教育工作者涌向丰田地点,以学习其制造效率的秘密。Kaizen是一个日语词,意思是“更好地改变”,它是Trader Joe网站的核心价值。这些想法是通过消除浪费(或泥纱),不是覆盖的人而不是产生不均匀的生产水平。倾斜思维是在Trader Joe的大部分活动中的核心,如SKU号码减少,以消除具有太多类似产品的压倒性购物者。或者喜欢重新思考广告花费越来越多的用户成为狂欢的粉丝......和狂欢和狂欢。
Even employees of Trader Joe’s add to the brand’s high level of engagement and bottom-up promotion. Employees seem to love Trader Joe’s thanks to fair wages, benefits, attitudes and a high level of respect for employees. TJ’s commitment to livable wages and respect for people allows them to attract a highly talented pool of artsy, creative and out-going young people who possess a wealth of intellectual talent, but may be struggling to establish long-term career positions directly out of college. Trader Joe’s builds upon the intellectual capacity of its workforce, encouraging their talented employees to develop an in-depth experiential knowledge of every product in the store. Joe Coulumbe, Founder of Trader Joe’s, frequently remarks on how SKU reduction efforts enable his staff to know more about their products than even those products’ vendors. Coulumbe’s vision requires a huge amount of mental capacity and investigative ability from employees. By building a brand that aligns with employees’ values of minimalism, creativity, health, and fair sourcing, TJ’s catalyzes brand promotion not only from its customers, but also from its internal stakeholders.
为了发展其员工的知识库,贸易商乔的历史性地强调培训和持续改进。雷竞技raybet提现但是,培训不会花费雷竞技raybet提现大量的基于技能学习的时间,而是在公司价值观迭代。大学教育的创造者能够相对容易地学习技能的能力,所以公司花更多的时间准备员工如何描绘品牌并为客户创造积极的经验。专注于软技能和公司视力激发了员工,以产生“友好的街区杂货店”的感觉。此外,Trader Joe的贸易商鼓励其员工参与他们销售的食物。因为许多员工都是创造者,他们找到了独特的实验方式来试验食物。这通常激励他们通过他们的学习和对客户的建议。投资在内部知识 - 换句话说,在提高客户体验方面发挥不可或缺的作用。Customers turn to TJ’s staff not only to perform the mundane tasks expected of any grocery store (i.e. scan and bag my items quickly), but also to engage them in menu preparation, produce selection, wine pairing, floral arrangements, and smart local beer recs. (To learn more about TJ’s inspired cultivation of brand experience–from hiding stuffed animals around the store to delighting customers with random acts of generosity, like handing out free chocolate bars to customers who seem to deserve a pick-me-up–read this article on14 Trader Joe员工的美味秘密)。
那么的是什么rayapp0 这探索这种乐趣,像乔伊的古怪品牌的探索?他们来了:
- 组织的健康和增长潜力可以通过其用户生成的内容的真实性和影响来衡量。
- 用户生成的内容通过员工参与以及通过客户参与外部来驱动品牌促销。
- Engagement is sparked by increases in knowledge. Organizations that prioritize the knowledgeability of their employees will create inspired fanbases who trust in the credibility and authenticity of the brand or organizational mission.
- 公司可以与肆无忌惮的粉丝合作,赞助用户生成的内容,从用户的艺术观点来看,积极促进他们的品牌。
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